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Asking Price: $165,000

Electrical Repair Business (Nationally Recognized)

Saint Cloud, MN
Stearns County

With an incredible 27% “year over year” revenue growth, this business is literally taking off. This well-established, well branded electrical installation and repair business shows no signs of slowing down. The local business serves a very large and protected territory; 80% revenue is residential; 20% commercial accounts. This is a proven legacy and generational business for the new owner. The sale price includes (2) service vans plus an extensive equipment package. The parent franchise fully supports its local units in fact the corporate office conducts interviews to hire, even the master electricians needed. Now, you can hire people for character and “culture fit,” and develop their technical skills on the job. The new owner will also get access to a host of discounts and rebates to put them ahead of the competition through our corporate partnerships which gives the owner the benefit of national buying power. The electrical market is in high demand and expected to exceed more than $11 Billion by 2024. The demand for work in this sector is projected to grow faster than the average for all trades over the next 8 years. No prior electrical experience needed. No Licenses Needed. Full training and transitional support will be included with this sale.Additional Features Include: - Needs-based /recession proof. - High scalability.- Multiple revenue service lines / revenue streams.- Recurring customer base.- Superior customer service ranking and referrals.- Large service area with more room for development of new business.- High profit margin / Predictable incomes.Contact Jeff for detailed information about this business.

Cash Flow $586,000
Revenue $3,059,900

Asking Price: $145,000

College Bar for Sale - Make an offer today!

Saint Cloud, MN
Stearns County

Why work for someone else? The current owner enjoys benefits of $57,039 with $32,6625.78. Why stay in a job you hate when this opportunity has presented itself! Full Liquor License and SBA Lending on this Bar for sale, What are you waiting for? A money-making machine with a total of 4 experienced and well trained staff, this Bar for Sale has been around since 2021. The owner is selling due to other businesses but is willing to offer you 2 weeks one you take over the business. Who better than to teach you than the very one that made it so successful? Full Liquor License in place which contributes to its strong earnings. Don't wait! Bring your offer today to We Sell Restaurants on this Bar for sale. Demand is high in College Town for locations like this one. Great College bar location that is easy to operate and profitable. . Seating includes 50 inside at the packed bar where the drinks are strong and the crowds gather. This Bar for sale could expand hours to open Sunday and Monday's to capture the upcoming football season crowd and capture the additional revenue. Operating hours are Sun - Monday - Closed, Tue - Saturday - 4pm - 2am. Earnings of $57039.22 will provide a nice lifestyle for your family while you are in business for yourself. We can assist with lending on this opportunity. The Bar for sale has already been reviewed for loan approval. You just need 25.00% down and we'll have you in front of lenders this week. This Bar for sale has a fully equipped front and back of house including everything you need to continue to operate this successful bar for sale. The current lease has a valid term of New 5 year Lease will be established. The total monthly rent is just $3250, including CAMS, for this 1500, square foot Bars for sale opportunity. By providing your phone number to We Sell Restaurants, you are agreeing to receive text notifications.

Cash Flow $57,039
Revenue $326,625

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