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Asking Price: $60,000

Well-Known Family Hair Salon (Harris County)

Not Disclosed, TX
Harris County

This is a unique opportunity to acquire an open unit of the premier family haircare services franchise in the United States. This franchise has consistently ranked in Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500 and is the salon industry leader for haircutting, styling and related product needs. This unit is located in an established retail strip center in Northwest Houston, with strong demographics and projected population growth. This location was originally opened in 2019 and performed very well pre-COVID (monthly revenues approximating $18,000-$20,000, per Seller). Given the substantial growth opportunities already built-in at this location, Seller believes it is primed to achieve strong results under new ownership. For example, this location has a solid team of existing stylists and 7 open chairs for new stylists to come on-board and generate incremental revenues. Additionally, this location is currently closed on Sundays and Mondays – two prime days for haircutting and related services. There are ~2.5 years remaining under the current lease, with reasonable monthly rent payments and a 5-year renewal option. The average investment costs to build-out one of these franchise salons from the ground up would approximate $230,000, according to the franchisor disclosure documents, without any existing clientele, staff or cash flow.

Cash Flow Not Disclosed
Revenue $77,767

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