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Asking Price: $3,500,000

Profitable Gaming Industry Product Distributer

Not Disclosed, FL
Not disclosed

A well-established company in the gaming sector, drawing on over 30 years of brand recognition and industry expertise, this company specializes in the distribution of gaming products. As a leader in its respective sector of the industry, the company maintains a strong focus on quality and reliability. The company serves as a reliable partner in facilitating sustainable revenue generation for its clients. Backed by a dedicated team of experienced staff, it differentiates itself through its commitment to exceptional customer service and competitive pricing, making the company the leading provider within its targeted area. This company presents an appealing investment opportunity, evidenced by its consistent financial performance since the beginning- demonstrating resilience across various economic conditions, maintaining profitability and a strong profit margin exceeding 50% for much of its product offerings. With a proven business model and a growing customer base, particularly in Florida's expanding market, it is strategically positioned for further growth and expansion.Opportunities for growth are abundant and include a multi-region expansion strategy, aiming to extend its gaming offerings beyond the currently served territory in Florida. Through intensified sales and marketing efforts, including participation in industry tradeshows and the recruitment of additional sales representatives, the company will capture additional market share. With a strong history of profitability in an industry that continues to thrive and expand, this company is poised for continued success within the gaming industry.

Cash Flow $965,403
Revenue $3,501,888

Asking Price: $343,000

Cost Saving Contractor Services Firm in Nashville

Nashville, TN
Davidson County

The sale price for this home-based service business includes a vehicle and other equipment assets. Own a profitable, well established home services business that provides our customers with utility bill savings, increases comfort, and helps the environment. Also included in this sale is all the FF&E, vehicles, and equipment needed to run daily operations. This company specializes in increasing energy efficiency by providing proprietary green insulation solutions to homes, businesses, and large Industrial work areas. As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, our service provides eco-friendly insulation solutions. By offering energy-efficient insulation, you not only contribute to a greener planet but also attract clients looking to reduce their carbon footprint. This commitment to sustainability enhances our reputation and differentiates us in the marketplace. We save our customers money every month on their utility bills. Many competitive advantages, including proprietary green/low VOC (volatile organic compounds) insulation product, which reduces customer’s time to re-enter the home (or business) and comes with a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty. Superior equipment, tools and technology educate and instill confidence in customers as well as help the new owner efficiently manage employees, operations, inventory ordering and management, and financials.

Cash Flow $289,000
Revenue $1,100,000
$ Owner Financing Available

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