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The business is on 400 acres with 300 acres irrigated to produce premium sod for large installations. Ideally situated with a wholesale/retail outlet 1.5 miles from a major highway, providing easy access for semis. The owners are proud of the quality of the product produced and they deal honestly with great loyalty to their customers. The business is debt free with millions of dollars in assets. The business has been able to increase prices to compensate for increased operational costs without losing any customers. A vast majority of the employees have been with the company for 9-26 years. The company grows sod and cuts sod. Installation is 25-30% of the income. Refer to file #73538FE. Please respond with your name, mailing address and telephone/fax number(s) so we may send a confidentiality agreement.
GREAT PART TIME - WORK AT HOME BUSINESS! Are You Looking to Make an Additional $100,000 in the Next 12 Months - No Employees to Hire - No Equipment to Rent/Buy - No Office/Warehouse to Rent/Lease - Start Making money in the First 90 Days - Create Your Own Career Opportunity - Help People in Your Community
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