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Asking Price: $650,000

SBA Approved Northern California Based Highly Profitable Janitorial Company - SC2141

Not Disclosed, CA
Not disclosed

This Northern California based Janitorial Company is a California Sole Proprietorship and was formed 26 years ago and has been under the same ownership since inception. They have a very loyal client list with the average client staying with them for over a decade. Their contracts have a very high markup, but the level of service is so good that customers are willing to pay and seldom leave. This janitorial company overlooks nothing, using deep-cleaning methods and non-toxic, environmentally friendly products to thoroughly clean every inch of your office or building. They provide cleaning services and maintenance services for warehouses, hospital offices, medical and dental offices, restaurants, banks, government facilities, schools and colleges, churches, and all types of office buildings. Just a sample of some of the services offered include floor waxing stripping and sealing, carpet shampooing, window and blind cleaning, restroom cleaning, pressure washing, pest control, special event clean-up, and post-construction clean up. This business has many recurring revenue clients, but they can do one-time, daily, weekly, or monthly cleans. They specialize in working with property management companies.This business currently advertises mainly through word of mouth and referrals. Growth can be obtained by stronger marketing and social media presence. Additional revenue outside of gaining more clients could be by offering more services as well, dependent on what the clients are looking for and demanding. They could also expand geographically into other areas.

Cash Flow $192,000
Revenue $345,000
$ Owner Financing Available

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