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Since 1979 this Company has been providing moving and storage of high value electronic equipment for a range of Commercial clients. Their ability to provide “white glove” deliveries for their clients sets them apart from their competition. The deliveries are mostly in the S.E. United States, with others routed as far as Pennsylvania and Texas. Approximately 50% of the deliveries are in The Carolinas, 40% in Georgia, and 10% to other States. There is one client of 20 years that accounts for 72% of the Company’s annual revenue. There are 40 active clients in their database. Eighty percent (80%) of the business are repeat clients. Ninety percent of the revenues are from moving, while ten percent is from storage. The owner of the business believes that with new ownership that this long-term client will remain a client. There are 12 FT and 4 PT employees who are highly trained professionals. The sale includes 8 vehicles, and a range of specialized moving equipment. We estimate the fair market value of the FF&E to be $300K . The business possesses the following licenses: GPSC class common carrier, Common Carrier Authority, and ICC 48 Interstate Authority. INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS: * The business has been in continuous operation since 1979.* Eighty percent (80%) of the business is repeat from a base of 40 clients.* There are 12 FT and 4 PT highly trained and professional employees.* The sale includes approximately $300K in FF&E.
SWIPE A CARD, CHANGE A LIFEExciting new opportunity with ireland pay® (Active or Passive Income Opportunity)Get in early with operations already in place, as ireland pay® merchant processing is Expanding Nationally/Internationally in partnership with kathy ireland® Licensing. IMAGINE GETTING PAID EVERY TIME SOMEONE SWIPES A CARD WITHIN YOUR PROTECTED TERRITORY!We currently have Master License Opportunities Available throughout the US and Canada.Lucrative avenues of revenue include: Territory licenses sold within your territory ISO licenses sold within your territory Overrides on every swipe of a card in your protected territory using ireland pay®
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