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Asking Price: $179,900

Existing USA Insulation Franchise

Chattanooga, TN
Hamilton County

Ranked #1 Franchise in Home Improvement Category by Entrepreneur Magazine. This lucrative business has proven its success in prime locations such as Knoxville and Atlanta. Regrettably, amidst the seller’s numerous business ventures, this gem finds itself lower on his list of priorities and he has decided to sell. However, its potential for wealth creation is undeniable for the right owner with the dedication and time to propel it to greater heights. Notably, the business is positioned favorably below the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) amount, presenting a remarkable opportunity. Average revenue for locations in business over 12 months is $2,025,126 All the essential elements are in place, including a well-structured lease and minimal overhead costs, making it a turnkey operation for the discerning entrepreneur.” Take advantage of the benefits USA Insulation offers franchise owners! Build a full-scale business with incredible potential. Operate a unique business model with a proven, time-tested approach. Use exclusive American-made proprietary USA Premium Foam Product. Enjoy comprehensive training and over 35 years of proven experience. USA Insulation provides whole-home insulation solutions nationwide with our proprietary USA Premium Foam Insulation. Our injection foam provides incredible benefits by creating a solid barrier between your home and the outside environment.

Cash Flow $52,000
Revenue $200,000
$ Owner Financing Available

Asking Price: $500,000

Established & Reputable Hardwood Flooring Company

Not Disclosed, TN
Not disclosed

A respected company in the hardwood flooring sector, known for its long-standing reputation for excellence and reliability. Family owned for over 70 years and with significant experience in the industry, this company is recognized for providing high-quality hardwood flooring solutions. Its key features include skilled craftsmanship, careful attention to detail, and a strong commitment to customer satisfaction. Serving both residential and commercial clients, this business is well-regarded for delivering outstanding results and providing excellent service.Key Investment points:1. Semi-Absentee Ownership: The transition to semi-absentee ownership presents a unique opportunity for investors seeking a hands-off approach to management. With day-to-day operations entrusted to capable managers and administrative staff, investors can enjoy the benefits of ownership without the need for active involvement.2. Experienced Installation Team: A fully trained and experienced installation team is a valuable asset that contributes significantly to the company's success. With a skilled workforce in place, investors can be confident in the ability to consistently deliver high-quality results and uphold the company's reputation for excellence.3. Established Brand and Customer Base: Over its 70-year history, the company has cultivated a strong brand presence and loyal customer base within the hardwood flooring sector. Its long-standing reputation for excellence and reliability serves as a solid foundation for future growth and expansion. With a track record of delivering high-quality solutions and exceptional service, the company enjoys repeat business and referrals from satisfied clients. This established brand equity not only enhances customer trust and loyalty but also provides a competitive edge in the marketplace. Investors can capitalize on this established reputation to drive sales, expand market share, and capitalize on new opportunities for growth.

Cash Flow $73,739
Revenue $1,112,501
$ Owner Financing Available

Asking Price: $343,000

Cost Saving Contractor Services Firm in Nashville

Nashville, TN
Davidson County

The sale price for this home-based service business includes a vehicle and other equipment assets. Own a profitable, well established home services business that provides our customers with utility bill savings, increases comfort, and helps the environment. Also included in this sale is all the FF&E, vehicles, and equipment needed to run daily operations. This company specializes in increasing energy efficiency by providing proprietary green insulation solutions to homes, businesses, and large Industrial work areas. As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, our service provides eco-friendly insulation solutions. By offering energy-efficient insulation, you not only contribute to a greener planet but also attract clients looking to reduce their carbon footprint. This commitment to sustainability enhances our reputation and differentiates us in the marketplace. We save our customers money every month on their utility bills. Many competitive advantages, including proprietary green/low VOC (volatile organic compounds) insulation product, which reduces customer’s time to re-enter the home (or business) and comes with a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty. Superior equipment, tools and technology educate and instill confidence in customers as well as help the new owner efficiently manage employees, operations, inventory ordering and management, and financials.

Cash Flow $289,000
Revenue $1,100,000
$ Owner Financing Available

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